Class Will
from The Tassel, Cap and Gown issue of The Quill, June 1962

Donna Green  wills 21 odd socks to Mrs. Orr.
Mike Farrell wills page 56 from Cyrano de Bergerac to Mrs. Cornick.
Nancy Brown wills one grass skirt to Mrs. Orr to be at home in.
Betsy Harris leaves her brother a pair of shoes to walk to school next year in.
Chris Coon wills odd pocketbooks and jinglebell jewelry to anyone crazy enough to wear them.

The Senior Class wills Mr. Weiss a butterfly net to replace the one he lost in the bat scare.

JoAnn Biedlingmaier wills a parking place to her brother for the car he won't have next year.

The 3rd lunch block wills Mr. Miller a pair of glasses to help him mete out "justice".
Anonymous Senior wills Robin Neish a girl-friend so that he won't have to hustle his brother's woman.

Ray Marier wills Mr. Senio a can opener for the Metrecal he is taking.
Anonymous Senior wills Lance Granger one for that which he ought to be taking.

Kathy Haley wills a supply of bus tickets to her sister, Connie.
Sandy Chapel wills loot from Miss Millen's Economics Room.
Dick Monell wills his churchkey to Skippy Maines.
Doug Stanton wills one free lunch to Mr. Senio.
Charlene wills Marc Swan a red mat in the studio to be used when needed.
Ellen Knapp wills dishes and silverware back to the cafeteria.
Bob Lalley wills track spikes to Jim Brown and Marshall Bradley.
Rhea Scott & Sue Canders will a thermos of vodka dry orange drinks for the second lunch block junior girls for their Christmas party next year.

The 7th period Russian class wills Mr. Watson a map of the school's hot water pipes.

Brent Wickizer wills one old prayerbook to Pam Hoadley.
Diane Edwards wills Mrs. Orr her gratitude for carrying on sports contests in such a genial manner.
Sherry Wilson wills Pat Ingwall a book on how she should've coped with Brent W.
Jeanetta Williams wills to Mrs. Orr one borrowed gym sock.
Dawn Fix gives to John Juriga her old twisting shoes.
Janet Berish wills Marion Hammond her gym sneakers to greet the new gym teacher in.
Barb Shenk wills a muzzle to Mr. Senio..... for his talkative students, that is.
Carol Birmingham wills Jim Cory a ball point pen of his very own.
Cheryl Lusk wills Sue Robbins her chair in the cafeteria so that Sue will be able to eat lunch with her guests.
Pat Heath wills Kay Casper one egg and one roll of toilet paper.
Wanda Illsley wills her little sister to Mr. Osborne's class.
Faith Hancock sends all the history classes she slept through back to Mr. Osborne.
Bill Pomeroy wills his P.A. announcing job to anyone who thinks that they can make fewer mistakes.
Bill Lawrence & Nick Tkaczow will ice cream and straw to Mr. Watson to shoot in the cafeteria.
Sue Howard & Joyce Harrison will, with wishes, the "place" on Poplar Hill to any interested Juniors.
Barb Wallis leaves Binghamton to any underclassman who wants to be bothered with it.
Sally Fernald leaves her car trouble to any unfortunate underclassmen.
Dick Totman wills Sally Jones to any eligible junior, preferably male.
Ron Jewell wills all his outside lunches to Twinkletoes.
Bob Seeger wills 1000 barstool name plates with his name engraved on them to any deserving Junior.
Mrs. Holmwood's homeroom wills Mama a can of Metrecal, chocolate flavor, even though she doesn't need it.
Betty Shampang wills her red and grey beret to Kathy Murphy.
Charlene Lawson wills a set of car keys to Anita Sheffer.
Dave Heller wills 12 pairs of broken drum sticks to Mr. Fleming.
Chuck Hilslinger wills 25 new buckets for the halls and rooms.
Norma Holt wills her 2nd lunchblock table to Sharon Fleming.
Bernadine Longo wills Jean Compton her key to success, her brown nose.
Judy Bigart wills the top of a lockerall to himself to Jerry Dowling.
Evelyn Bezusco wills her seat in law class to Ursula Nuerchtern.
Paul O'Dell wills a smile to Mr. Youngstrom.
Jim Fisher wills Jim Corey a golf club from Berger's Outdoor Store.
Bonnie Rogers wills to Miss Millen a piano keyboard of hers.
Howard Yasharian wills Mr. Harris 50 lbs. of metal chips.
Craig Thomas wills a 12' piece of recording tape with bird chirps to Miss Millen.
Judy Middleton wills her gym sneakers to Donna Zemek.
Willys Vermilya wills Mr. McDaniel some seed for his cross country course.
Sandy Cushman, Kathy Haley & Kathy Hillier will Mrs. Cornick a ticket to New York.
Sandy Cushman cheerfully wills Mrs. Cornick some synonyms "for example".

The Senior Class cheerleaders would like to leave everything they've got to the junior cheerleaders.
The Great, Exalted, Powerful, and Glorious Senior Class Team would like to will all its fabulous basketball victories to the Junior Team.

Since giving Mrs. Liddy Our Times is so common, Bob K., Pam J., & Sue C. would like to will an unopened, unhandled roll of Our Times to Mrs. Liddy.
Sharon Vaughn leaves her seat in Mrs. Holmwood's class to her brother, Ronnie.
Betty Bevins wills Melvin a carton of Pepsi.
Ed Miner wills his football jersey (#23) to Tom Hauser.
Jim Sheffer wills one used tire to Tom Bond.
Sharylin McKeon wills Mrs. Holmwood a can of fluid so that she can run off her own tests.
Joann LaRusso wills a 62-63 school calendar to count off the days on to the junior class.
Jill Atwater wills Carl Yasharian back something that really belongs to him.
Sue Douglass, Sandy Chapel, and Diane Decker give back to Miss Millen all the loot in her machines.
Sandy Wallace and Carol Birmingham will Kathy Lake a seam ripper.
Sandy Hider wills Bonnie Layton a slightly used rake, and advises her to take it for what its worth.
Kathy Weug wills Dick Lawyer all the last words she couldn't get in.
Mike O'Loughlin wills Art Hierl #32 football helmet to put to good use.
Sandy Wallace wills Connie Williams her set in Mr. Senio's History 12.

Two anonymous senior girls will Mrs. Orr her missing towels.

Sally Ferris and
Kahy Haley will to Mr. Younstrom all the Nuclear Physics classes they spent eating breakfast in the library and the basements.
Dave Almy wills Mrs. Hardy some paper napkins so that she won't have to use scrap paper.
Doug Hall wills the school a can of Florient air freshener for obvious reasons.
Nick Tkaczow wills Mrs. Robinson a sign which reads "return books here".
Ed Krajka wills Mr. McDaniel a lawnmower for his cross country course.
Jim Murphy wills Mrs. Hardy one bowl of paper flowers, the only one existing membership card to the jolly club, and his sister to clean up her desk.
Margie Shaller wills all the dirty dishes in the Chemistry lab back to future student.
Eileen Brown wills her voice to anyone who wants to join the chorus.
Dick Panko wishes an automatic zero maker on Mrs. Cornick.
Jim Cook wills Mrs. Liddy the state of Ohio with sincere compliments from the Great State of Texas.
Ron Romanchek wills a set of encyclopedia with blank pages to the teacher who knows it all.
Joy Cooper wills all the old Student Council notes to the next secretary.

Mrs. Liddy's 2nd period class wills her a folder full of vital statistics for her forthcoming book.

Charlie and Cod will 38 6th periods, and 3 7th periods to Mr. Watson.

Larry Van Keuren wills Joan Forkey a certain rifle range.
Sandy Cushman wills a big bottle of aspirin to Mrs. Orr to replace all that I took.
Sheila Major wills her New York State Driver's Manual to Skeeter Gevert.
Sue McNitt wills Mrs. Orr a stapler to staple her cuffs on her pants.
Jim Whitehead wills Mr. Osborne his little black book.
Sherrie Wilson, Anne Freimark, & Betty Lalley will would like to will Ouida Caswell all their leftover food in the cafeteria.

Six-Teens will Mr. Watson a dime for the next time he upsets the cow.

John Boland wills Mr. Cook a club to save wear and tear on his hand broom.
Gary Haulton wills two pairs of track shoes to Mr. Newton.
Duane Empet wills Janet Murphy a set of car keys.
Art Smith & Ray Williams will Mr. Watson five ash trays for the senior section's basement.
Tom Jones wills a used yo-yo to coach Harvey.

Varsity Cheerleaders will Cindy Jones to Mrs. Sestak.

Donna Young wishes all the luck in the world to future Mr. Senio students.
Pat Ward and Peg Michael will Mr. Osborne a do-it-yourself sandbox.
Arlene Bond wills Mr. K. a good business management.
Vince Mee wills a set of wrenches back to Mr. Williams.

Chemistry students would like to will a comb with teeth to Mrs. Yellin.

Barb Spak wills as bottle of toothache drops to Mrs. Orr, and a box for Mr. Watson's yo-yo collection.
Joe Narsavage wills to Dick Robinson his "in" with Congressman Robison to help him along.

The Advanced Science Class wills Mr. Weiss and Mrs. Yellin peace, peace, and rest; and also, stupid imbecile, idiot, and moron would like to grant peace also to Mr. Youngstrom.

Anyone who can explain any of these please contact Dick Martz

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