Kathleen Haley

Class Plugger (Girl)
Warrior 11,12; Quill 10, 11, 12, Editor 12; Band 10; Receptionist 11, 12; Red Cross 10, 11, 12; Dramatics 10, 11, 12; Intramural Sports 10, 12; Photography 10

Plans after CVCS: Plattsburg State University

The Talmadge Family (July, 2000)
Kathy [Haley] Talmadge, Todd and Marge [Talmadge] Brown,
Bill Talmadge, and Nicole Talmadge

5-21-12 Update I have such an unexciting update. My husband Bill and I live in Baton Rouge. He is working and enjoying a retirement job. I teach water aerobics. We have two daughters, one in Philadelphia and one in Nashville. they are both married. In Nashville we have two adorable grandsons ages 7 and 9. Life is good, but we are getting "on". I prefer the term "more mature" or "more grown up". Who knew the years would go so fast!

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