In Memoriam
Kenneth Anderson

Mr. America
Nicest Smile (Boy)
Student Council 11; Intramural Sports 10, 11, 12; J.V. Football 10, Varsity 11, 12; Volleyball 12; Varsity Club 12; Jr. Prom Committee

Plans after CVCS: Culinary Institute of America

In Memory of
Kenneth O. Anderson
December 12, 1943 - October 17, 1985

Ken and Shirley at the 1961 Jr. and 1962 Sr. CV Proms.

After graduation Ken attended the Culinary Institute of America in New Haven, CT, a professional chef school, and graduated in 1964.  He married Shirley Peck and we have three wonderful children: Heidi, Michael and Kendra.  In 1969 we moved to Pensacola, FL, and a year later moved to Atlanta, GA, where Shirley, Kendra, and Michael still live; Heidi now lives in St. Paul, MN.  We now have ten grandchildren, five girls and five boys, but unfortunately Ken never knew any of them as he passed away a year before the first was born.

Ken was co-owner of a major food brokerage company in Atlanta, and he was well known in the food industry in the southern states.

Ken was truly a wonderful husband, father and friend, and he is sorely missed.

Ken and Shirley
Kendra Rita Anderson Danley
Heidi Lynn Anderson Bowling
Michael Kenneth Anderson

Shirley Anderson with all ten of their grandchildren

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